☁️ WHAT?
1. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i could write
will i die if i’m not liked?
3. climbing the mountain
4. champagne in graveyards
5. i’d die for u to understand me
6. poison in my cup
7. valentine’s day
8. thoughtless as i think of you
9. aphorisms
10. meditation
12. this poem kinda sucks lol
13. could’ve been me
14. you made me an artist
15. the white marble
16. cried in the bread aisle again
17. i saw you before
18. h
elp: i’m instagram
19. the similarities could kills us
20. the loss of a friend
21. thanks for that, asshole
22. the day the earth shifted
23. electronic messaging
24. colors of love
25. devil’s dealings
26. exchanges with an alien
27. my age is the clouds