9. aphorisms

i'm very religious, i just don't listen to other people's opinions about my faith and i don't need elaborate stories to coax me into believing. i just am.

i’m literally holding the power of the universe in my hands and you’re just talking about it casually

You taught me how to think, how to dream, my dreams didn’t become you. That’s what broke you. you waited around for so long. I couldn’t see it.

Going quietly was the most polite thing I could do.

There are things to plan for
But besides that I don’t really plan a lot

When I give love and don’t recieve, over time I lose interest. Look alive. That’s what happened.

I don’t really care who you are. No gets my love for free. Everything must be an equal exchange or kept at a blance.

How could you do any worse
You hadn’t done any more

Draping yourself in dismissed love
is uglier than having no money.

Valueless without love.
Or so you thought.

To deny love is shameful.
Sinful. No, heinous.
Making the most beautiful man
appear unattractive.

Ping-ponging between the two
opposite outputs of love.
Winning and dismissing.

It was inspiring.
How loving she wrote heart ache.
How bravely she spoke of misfortuntes.
How honest were retellings of the tales.

i don't want to be the muse anymore but no one understands the artist

am i spiraling or am i just writing my devastatingly hilarious stand up routine in my head? one day the world will know.

it’s not enough to cry at home today. you must do it in public. let the feelings hit you in the bread aisle, while you’re waiting for your coffee order and underneath the lamp post.

i like my own shit all the time because i like my own shit ?????

            🧚🏼‍♀️                   🌸
                       💋                               🤍
           i am my mothers daughter
                      and my fathers child
          🐝                             🔮
                     🥀                               ⚔️

🌚 i am the moon and i am the sun 🌝

i am a fully formed human being and sometimes i say shit just to say shit and i think it’s funny to switch up language in the middle of sentences.

in the absence of a lover one shouldn’t waste their time with sadness



grow a hunger so deep the earth has no choice but to nourish you with love.

i don’t post thirst traps on valentine’s day because i’m hot every day

some things at goodwill that i didn’t buy

sometimes i write like i’m passing
notes with myself.
going back and forth on a subject.
weighing the scales of an idea.
because that’s often how my life feels.
i have way more conversations with
myself than i do with others.
and i talk with others more than most.

Actively removing absolutes from my vocabulary, bare with me

i’ve made sure to pour support into my friends creative pursuits over the years, knowing how terrifying the feeling is. and how brave the act is. that’s the beauty of friendships - they warm the cold for you.

saturn in pisces is like
“be ur silly goofy self
but don’t be a lil bitch about it”

men are so paranoid of love, it’s like babe i just thought you were kinda cool. nothing to cry about. in fact, you should be blushing. why are your cheeks not rosey right now? 🌹🧚🏼‍♀️

i have an appointment in beverly hills tomorrow and i'm expecting to run into someone very important while i'm there. i don't know who but i suspect it'll be someone.

i’m always up to something!
but i rarely know what it is in advance.
the universe is always asking me if i see
what she sees. do you see it?

casual to colloquial with the switch of a witch. i mean, word.

if you think i’m a bad singer… you gotta let the music play louder, baby 🧚🏼‍♀️

alternative words to "humans"
and "people" that isn't others ?

ugly people hate the cosmos because everything’s too beautiful for them
there. but the beauty of it is there is no

legally: michelle liuzzo
archetypically: a chatty kathy
known aliases: moosh, mooshy, the moosh monster, mooshy bear, mish, meesh, happy feet

my weightlessness gives me telepathic powers.
-chelsea handler

people always told me to start a podcast when i was talking to them and my response was always like “no, i’m just trying to tell you this super funny story, why are you not laughing?”

you don’t like to see the behind the scenes. you just want to see me when i’m made.

a tiredness that could only come from the mere existence of living

just because i’m confident on my own doesn’t mean i’m not also sensitive to the way people treat me. you might not effect my perception of myself but that doesn’t mean i have to tolerate you.

the more i express myself, hoping it will help you understand me better… the more you runaway from me or worse… lash out at me.

the whole world could be crashing down around me and i’d still look up and say “life sure is beautiful” at the first ray of sun hitting my face in the morning.

the difference between a dictator and a teacher is ego

i bet the same people who told us not to talk about how much money we make are the same ones who told us not to talk about religion: the man.

the reason i treat everyone with so much love, kindness and respect is because i know that’s what i’m worthy of. if i allow myself to be treated with standards lower than my own i’m teaching myself i’m less than. and i haven’t been a fool since my 20s ended.

twelfth... what a way to spell a word...

something spooky about the weather ever since i got here. what is she brewing?

Astrology is human-centric astronomy.

i look ruled by mars.
with the grace of venus.
the depth of pluto.
and the garden of the sun.
she just looks martian.

are you asking why she chose her career path? are you asking how can one girl could be so brave as to write about what she writes about? how can one girl have enough courage to speak up about men knowing how society treats women who do? because then at least you’re being respectful about the inquiry.

as a secure woman being around insecure men is so unsafe for me.

i just want to love everyone and i can’t when they’re mean to me 😭

my style is clothes that look good on me

it’s so crazy that i make the child and they get the man’s last name. who came up with that?? the man?? i know it wasn’t a woman.

it’s like some sort of control mechanism created from the insecurity and fear that once we have s** with you, we really don’t need you anymore.

and woman are like… if you would just stop trying to control me and instead, spent your energy loving me… i would never wanna leave?

my next door neighbors are having people over and they didn’t invite me?? they’ve literally seen me naked. i always forget to shut my window curtains.

i’m a discourse junkie. slut for conversing. whore for ideologies.

Love is blue 🦋 it’s peaceful, it’s serene, it’s things that are boundless like the sea and the sky. It is free flowing and it’s easy.

nothing in my life is going right and i'm not sure when the good things are coming but i can't help but to smile and wonder when they will 🫧

the way you treat me doesn’t effect my self-perception, it just makes me think of you differently.

me when people tell me their darkest deepest secrets that they’ve never told anyone else in the world:
oh ok wow it all makes sense now


Sometimes healing your inner child looks like letting yourself eat junk food at night when you know you shouldn’t and sometimes it looks like doing ayahuasca with your best friend from childhood in peru.

We only learn about love through the art of loving. So when your once good friend starts dating that traumatic partner, they don’t learn that the person is not love when you take your love away from your friend

I want a lake house so bad. Beach houses never intrigued me. I don’t want take care of a home when I’m at a beach, I wanna be catered to. I don’t want to make my own pina colada, I want to pay someone to bring it to me and I want to pay for a nice hotel with a decent bar staff to make it for me. But laying out some tea and cookies, lighting a fireplace and gathering on couches is easy. It’s soft.


i think i love you too much
to kiss and tell you.

the weight on my back
had weighed on my mind

you’re more theatrical than my poems

i loved meeting you
it just wasn’t enough

you’re too theatrical
i’m at the bottom
trying to figure how i get out
i don’t have time for your drama

you’re a human
with complex emotions and realities
well, so am i

The power of love the strongest power on earth

how many times has death skipped me

the opposite of love is not hate and it’s not indifference. it’s death. 🥀

I always held the highest card.
But I hated to play it.

i’m too old for games. tell me you love me or move on.

Can’t handle the foie gras,
get out of my fucking kitchen.

I thought you were really cool
But ignoring my messages got a bit theatrical
I really wanted to meet you
But avoiding a time and place grew cynical

Love is an art form.
Not a playstation.

Location: Indecision.
You never left the land of decision.
Missed Flight.
Extended stay on the island of choices.
You never could decide.

There are no losers in love.
Only winners and idiots.

Love was meant to be a back and forth.
Of a ping-pong nature.
It’s too bad.
You preferred to play with the wall.

There are no losers in love.
Only winners and idiots.

like “hello my evergreen tree”

my first drafts are always so cruel. that's what rewrites are for.

lackluster art makes me so mad.

where is the substance? it’s dark now where’s the depth? have you ever even contemplated death?

what are all your buddies praising you for? your “art” didn’t even make me wonder nor explore.

you took what i said to your heart.
swallowed the key. shut the vault.
i didn’t understand despite knowing why.

i think it’s really beautiful that everyone was sharing love yesterday. whether in conversation, with your partner or just on the internet. it was inspiring.

is there anything on earth more relatable than rejection?

sure, love is what we want but nine times out of ten it ends in misconnection.

the truth is love's hard to get right.

why else would poets try to write it?

i make choices based on how i feel. i would never let my feelings choose what i do. they’re insane.

we are so focused on the one. what about all of the ones?

the flowers.
how does mother do it?

tv shows are so comforting to watch because everyone’s playing their character and the bits are part of the plot.  the more interesting characters, the better the bits, the more entertaining the bits, the better the show.

i missed so many boats and trains.
i’m still rowing off the coast of spain.

to be honest there’s a lot of things i do in silence i just don’t tell y’all about them

LA is so out of touch with reality their major grocery stores put freezer sections in the middle of the store. they’re supposed to be against the walls.

cold on the outskirts. warmth in the middle.

posting on the internet is like trying to resuscitate the dead

i do my own thing when it comes to language. constantly genre jumping and adding accent infusions. i never have an idea of what i’ll say until i talk it out.

not now, i’m scorning imaginary lovers in my poems.

it’s the sisterhood vs the brotherhood and let me tell you, the girlies have been talking. i got them all riled up.

i just left the grocery store carrying a box of lucky charms, a portable coffee mug and a coffee stain on my light pink sweatshirt and he didn’t notice any of those things.

looked me in the eyes as i passed by.

i am balling my eyes out as i write this because i cannot believe how much women have been the motivation for so many men and yet our names always forget to be said at the podium.

she simply did not want to be in focus this morning and i respect that.

the truth is they weren’t laughing because a lot of people don’t have the same sense of humor as me. we don’t find the same things funny. i think every thing can be funny. you only think some stuff should be funny. that’s why i’m trying to make you laugh about it.

i think english is a really cool language but american slang is kind of gross.

i don’t like how you make me feel. that’s all the reasons i need. feeling safe to be me is my number one need.

do you guys ever get tired of being you?
like i’m still obsessed with me but just for a day i wish i could be a chill and easily conceivable person. i’m so tired of running in circles trying to defend who i am.

platonic friendships with the opposite sex are so important and not at all impossible. i’ve had so many guy friends that i would never ever date but still love to death.

one day someone is going to text me “thinkin of u 🌹” and it’s going to be all i ever needed.

LA has better people watching than NY.
I said what I said.

laying on a park bench at a dog park in encino without a dog because the only person in LA who will talk about religion and philosophy with me is a 12 year old kid who’s mom pays me to take him to therapy

i have never shut up once in my life. i always have something to say!

you may escape to the depths but that’s where i was born. i know the minds best hiding places because i’m the one who put them there.

my family is always one too many virgo placements in a room and i’m the only one who’s got the stellium 💫

there is no better feeling than someone with amazing style looking my outfit up and down as they pass me. it always happens in the morning for me.

my dad taught me that any attention, good or bad, is good for the brand as long as you have a self-awareness and a sense of humor about who you are.

it drives the kid crazy that i’m smarter than him but he appreciates my intelligence. we’re working on developing respect.

i don't spend my time wondering who you are, i let you show me over time. it's not an easy thing to hide. but it's really easy to see.

you thought you were insecure and so you were. i thought you were secure until you didn’t.

thank you for making this so pretty to look at 🥹🌸
-me ending it all

one thing about me? i live for learning. a perpetual student. so when you put a lesson in front of me - i’m gonna learn it. i always got straight As in school. i always did the extra credit. then got graded on a curve.

i live for learning and my favorite thing is teaching. as soon as i learn my lesson i’m ready to teach it to others. that’s how fast i’m moving. you don’t like what you taught me? why’d you teach me it then?

if you don’t believe in it, if it went against your ‘moral code’ if it’s not the ‘real’ you - why’d you show me it? why’d you lie about who you were? you split the truth in 2. no one knows the real you.

by your own design. remember?

it’s folklore because it’s how i feel but it’s not based on any sort of tangible reality. just vibes.

i’m conflicted because i love the feeling of waking up with the sun and being on my morning walk as she rises but the sidewalk crowds are so much better to observe at 730/8am. way more dogs out.

some of y’all act like you’ve never been through a dark night of the soul and it shows

all four of my personalities are going to be the grandparents in willy wonka this weekend. bed bound.

i just want the people i like to be nice to me. that’s all. i’m so tired of pouring out my cup and getting nothing in return.

what is it about meeting someone you actually like that makes the wires in your brain go DGKKMNHCCKOEHKOB

The government spends its money on keeping business alive and not people.

You took your mothers bad habit of making everything about her and your fathers sense of detrimental inbalance.

I’ve been obsessing over the word soft for a few months now, you can probably notice it in my writing. Once I reached peace within myself all I wanted was soft things. Low intensity activities and soothing materials. You can apply the concept of softness all over your life. It’s sweet. I like it. It feels cozy. Like the view of soft ripples hitting the wooden stilts of a boat dock.