3. hi!


Every time I use the word
I’m creating a subset of information.

The subset of information in this particular writing sequence is how many times I’ve personally observed myself use the word “like”

(because I can only speak for how I observe things.)

There should be a second way to emphasize the letter i. It’s not fair that the letter i can never mean emphasized i sound.

Like the way every others letter can have emphasis be put on them by making their appearance capitalized.


The a sound is emphasized when you pronounce it.

e E E!

^that literally could be music.

When there was only one way to make music.

But instead it was... iIiIiIiIiI
and then... il!il!il!

would you do that the first time you learned about


Or would you have done... il!li!ili

or would you do... (and so on and so on, I think you get the point with how many variations of possible outcomes there could be for music. And we didn’t even start with the 01 combination which is where all things started.)

Omg I didn’t even realize that if 0
could be less than 1

(as in... behind it

(as in... knowing there was something in front of it
was the previous thing they either thought or knew
before they thought about what they already knew)

(which means out of all the things they’d known to be true,
the ones they knew to be true
either from already knowing them to be true
or thinking about them
was the first thing they did
when they encountered it.

Which is to say...

I’m gonna title this with “the English language is actually quite easy” because it’s actually smart (a smart “strategy”) to add in disqualifiers that would indicate to people you don’t take yourself too seriously right before you tell them the most serious thing you have to be serious about because it is your purpose in your life and taking your purpose seriously once you’ve figured out what your purpose is is a serious purpose. It’s a way to show to the creator how “professional” your taking your life’s purpose. Because your work should always be YOUR work. The work only YOU are here to do and maybe some friends too if you’re lucky.

It’s always so nice
when you would sync up with someone
who either has the same purpose as you
- so you link up
OR with someone who has a similar enough purpose as you
that you can either cruise together with ease,
or punch in and out of being linked up in purpose with them
because your purposes overlap
or because them coming in and out of your life
is how they can serve their purpose to you
while not detracting from their own purpose.

Because we could always use someone else to help us with our purpose either as long as it’s fun and forwarding or painful and forwarding.

People coming into our lives only ever move us forward.
But sometimes the universe pushes us back
until we’ve learned how that person has forwarded us
and not pushed us back.

Sometimes people get in the way of our purpose.
Actually - only people - ever get in the way of living our purpose.

But sometimes the only way people realize
someone has pushed them forward
and not back
is only when they pass away.

Even then it’s not a guarantee.

Sometimes the person is dead for YEARS
before the other person learns
how the other person forwarded them in their life
and didn’t push them back.

Someone needs to hear this.
Someone will wanna hear about this.
Someone will not want to read this but eventually one day he will want to and he’ll realize then, that I forwarded his growth and not pushed him back.

Because I would never push him back.
And I would never
because I could never.
Because if I can think
that if I knew better
I would do better
I would believe that I could get better
and I can’t think that I could
without knowing that I could do better.

First you know, then you think you know, then you say you know.


I know, I think, I say I know, and if I only Know
then I shouldn’t have had to think about it
before I said I know about it.

Because I would just know, what I know,
and I wouldn’t think about what I might know,
before I say what I think I know.

That counts as a sentence because I’m stating that there are two things that are possible. A statement can be a statement about either stating what’s true or stating what could be possible.

0 is what’s true, 1 is what’s possible.

Gunna scroll up and see if I forgot to close the loop on other thoughts before I started thinking the next thing, leaving the first thing unconcluded.

I think verbs can be adjectives.

If you can be cooler you can be cooled.
Cool, cooler, coolest and/or cool and cooled.

Like the pasta cooled over ice.

The “rule” is that verbs can be
different possibilities of that verb
in time
or it can be different possibilities of that verb
in states of energy.

Time is the 0. The constant. The thing that never stops.

And 1 is all of the other possibilities
of everything ever
and continues to evolve

as it gets everything
it gets more things
and that moment becomes everything
right before the next thing
is discovered
and then that becomes everything.
At every second.
As fast as we can think.

We have to think as fast as possible!

I think weed speeds up my thoughts. I get to more thoughts in a shorter amount of time. That’s how I know that was I’m saying is pretty close to knowing because when I’m high I’m not triggered.

I’m in a zen state.

I think if the world most purely when I’m high and having a good time.

It’s up to me to determine what I consider a good time and a bad time and I declare me being high at home and writing, a mother fucking good time.

I’m knowing so fast.

That’s proof. I declared. I didn’t say I think. I said I know.
Almost instantaneously.
I’m soaring with my knowing’s!!
^^ damn that was a big word. Go me.

Instead of giving myself breaks from doing things “every once in a while”
I like to do things constantly and incrementally so that they never pile up.

But sometimes they pile up so fast
at one time
I have to just let myself
let them pile up
so I can get a little break from working

(because I just worked so hard
for so fast
and also I worked harder
because I had to work fast)

and for having done both those things
at the same time
I give myself
a just as fast
and most relaxing time off
from working.

By getting to the large pile the next day.
I get an evening to not work and to just relax.

Chores are work to me
but they don’t bother me
as a job to have.
I like that chores are one of the jobs
I don’t mind having here in earth.
Keeps me calm.
Keeps me steady.
Keeps me ready for other peoples needs to come up.
Keeps my energy stable enough to help out a friend when they need it.
Chores are not a bad thing to me.
They allow me to do the things I like.

And no, giving energy to friends isn’t a “chore” to me.

It’s one of the things I enjoy.
Because chores can both be a job for you in this lifetime
and an enjoyment for you in this lifetime.

The things we feel like
we have to do
in this lifetime
are either for enjoyment
or for work.

or pleasure vs displeasure.

I love leisure and I love pleasure.
I have to include both because I enjoy both.
And even tho leisure is always pleasurable.
Pleasure is not always leisure.
I think sex can be work.
It’s a very physical thing so why wouldn’t it be work.
Before there was material there was physical.
Or did material make our physical?
We know that physical influences our material world,

we create materials.
But we’re also made of material.

Being an adult is just letting your dishes
soak before you wash them.
Or washing them immediately.
How long you leave them
before you wash
is determined
by your personality.

Which appears to be
determined by you
but has really been given to you
by the universe.
Everything was given to us.

And we know that
because we were given to the earth.

Which makes us something
that was created for another.

Giving is an exchange between two things.
And sometimes the thing is something
that’s already been created
and sometimes it’s something
that’s never been created.