I’m not surprised you’ve taken an interest in what the purpose of all this writing might be. It is that same curiousity that motivates us to do any thing we do in this world. Why would you read what you’re reading right now if you did not wonder why it was written? Unfortunately, there is no reason beyond expression - the releasing of thoughts I hold in my head, with the hope that they stir something in you (what that could be, only you would know). When our mind ventures out on it’s mission for an answer, led by the curiosity of wonder, it is not an absolute answer that we should be seeking.
But the possibility of what the answer may be. That’s how the mind expands. And with that, I must disclaim - in sharing my thoughts, I reserve all rights to change and evolve these thoughts overtime and my hope is that you will bare witness to that progression and meet it with compassion. I only know what I know now, and what I learn in the future I will know too, but only then. It’s funny how the mind works. She deserves both laughs and contemplation - I hope I can give you both.
because -
This is a personal website, there are no advertisements, I am not sending these writings to publications. I don’t want publicity for my words, I just want them to be thought about. By doing this, I have granted my words the same freedoms I have, which is to constantly evolve without expectations. I have tried for years to tame my mind into one form of writing, one subject of thought because I thought that’d be easier for people to be interested in - but the truth is, I don’t want to do that.
This website will run like a magazine - at the start of every month I will publish a new playlist of writings that cover a wide array of topics I’ve thought about each month. My writing is systematically structured like Malcolm Gladwell, with the humor of David Sedaris and the wonder of Friedrich Nietzsche, then you take all that and put it in the perspective of a 30-something-year-old woman living through our present day societal shifts. It can get very Taylor Swift with the egg hunt.
I’d also like to disclaim that while I am sharing an experience with thousands of other humans, I am only one human having one limited, but intimate experience with the world. While my endless curiousity for other humans has enlivened my mind I still have many blind spots. If you see one, I’d love it if you could tell me about it. I hope that you will do this kindly, but I will listen either way.
For discourse and discussions: