3. hi!


Time is the answer.

It is the constant.

It is the first.
- if you believe that time
has the most amount of possibilities
in the human experience.
There is either nothing more possible
than the possibility of time
or time is the end answer to an equation.
Which means time either has an infinite answer
(different possible answers for ever)
or it is the end to the subtracting of a creation.

But time does both.
There are dates
and there is a future.
There are moments in time
and those are the past.
The past is just a series of moments in time.

First language, now time??

Do I really have to solve ALL THE BIG STUFF for you guys.

I’m exhausted.

Work is either work
your work.

Your either doing someone else’s work.
(working for them)

or your working for yourself.

And sometimes your work
can allow others
to keep doing their work
without detracting
from your work.

I need to find someone
to do our work
(live our purpose)
in unison with.

Me and Shelby are doing our work in unison right now.

I’m gunna swap out the peoples name in this so that when you read it you have to imagine who these people might be. You either imagine as if you were me or as if you were you.

I want my partner to have
as me.

Similar enough that I understand him
when he needs support
and I understand him
when he needs growth.

And different enough
that the difference
in our imagines
also grows our mind.

The only problem is that sometimes
someone not understanding
when we need support
is when we know we need support
and not mind expansion.

My mind expands when I know more about myself
but also when I know more about you.

Everyone is our mirror
to either affirm what we know
(make the knowing a statement)
or to think about what we know - 
to either consider what we know
about what happened to be true
(through observation, through thoughts)
or determine what we know.

People either mirror
what we affirm to know
or they ask for either affirmation
or dismissal of thought.

If we what we know to be true
is affirmed true
then it is an affirmation.

Affirmations are you affirming
what you know to be true.
When you affirm good things about yourself,
you get given those things.

Those things are your creation.

You create yourself.

You create the self

you’ve been given in this lifetime.

Because the self was given.

Our souls were given to this universe.

We get
given things
that are meant for us
and we get
given things
we ask for.

We’re only given things that will move us forward.

But the things that are meant for us
are not always what we ask for,
but they’re always what we need
to fulfill our meaning.

Which is our purpose.

Our purpose is our meaning.
Our purpose gives us meaning.

Sent from iPhone
2/10/22 10:22PM

(Aka I was high when I wrote this and promise I never went back and edited it after; when I was sober. Which means I agree with myself that I should not only not be high while I write but I also think I can be high while I write. As in, I don’t think

^this is where the original entry ends. i didn’t read it all the way through before editing it so i didn’t see this until i made the edits but i like the edits it was mostly just sentence structure and making it feel fun. this is when i got the idea to split it up so people could read some and not have to remember to come back. they’re like virtual bookmarks. now you know you read the first entry to a multi-part entry, maybe you’ll come back and read the others during your lunch break!