6. seven years too little.

All this time
I thought i was waiting for you
Waiting for my turn to come around
I was watching from a distance
Watching all the other people take their turn
And i was happy for them
Because i was happy for you

All this time
I thought it was in line for the ride of a lifetime
But when I finally handed the ticketman my ticket
I fell short on the height restrictions
I thought i grew enough for you
I thought i grew for you
I thought i had grown

All this time
I was wading, not waiting
I wasn’t in line
I was stuck in mud up to my knees
I was trying to get to you
But the mud made me slow
And so you walked away

All this time
I was calling out for you
But i was speaking in a foreign language
A language foreign to you
Your mind turned my words upside down
You thought i was begging to be left alone
I was begging for you to come get me

All this time
That could’ve lasted a lifetime
That would’ve made a lifetime
Instead it was seven years too little