9. aphorisms

Men think that women are seeking the same type of validation from men, as men seek from women. But we don’t. Women want to be loved. Men want to be approved of. That’s why they ask us on a date. Are we going to say yes or no to them? A woman thinks she’s say yes or no to being loved but men just want to know what your response is. Sometimes they have no intentions of loving you, they just want to know if you’d let them.  

I don’t feel safe around people who are scared of me. Men are always scared of me, of my confidence. Because they fear they can’t match it. But I’m not asking them to. I’m asking them to let me love them so that they can grow to be the size of me.

I have no problem talking about my feelings so that someone else can understand them, and subsequently me, but I prefer to feel my feelings alone. Privately. My emotions are very special to me. They feel sacred and holy. It’s not that I’m trying to isolate myself and my feelings, it’s that it always feels warmer when I’m free to give myself the comfort I seek. When other people are around I have to trust that they’ll provide my feelings with the same comfort of warmth that I do. Unfortunately, they usually don’t have the capacity.

Traditionally, the man asks the woman for their hand. But most men are too scared to ask the one. They couldn’t bare a ‘i’m sorry i can’t’ from the conceivable love of their life. Little do they know, there is never a question when it’s the one. Only the elimination of child-like fear.

People always assume I’ll just be ok and the truth is I always am. As long as I’ve got my mind and my body I can recover from anything. But I always wish I had someone to hold my hand.

I wondered if you looked up at me
when you went out to smoke

You are not your thoughts
But your thoughts are creating you
So pay attention

If you’re not self aware
Honesty can feel like an attack on you
And if you are aware
People’s rudeness can feel like an attack on themselves

No matter what you have to say
As long as you’re being reasonable
People shouldn’t be mad about your honesty
Unless they benefit from a lie

It takes 12H placements a really long time to feel safe. They have to go into the forest and contemplate it first.

Women question if men are wrong.
Men question if women are right.

It starts with kids drawing in the sand
zig zags and circles
using a stick,
moving the ground to make shapes
drop a stone or flower for decor

People just think I’m smart because I know how to express what I’m trying to say

- Aquarius moon, the observation
- Virgo mercury, the statement
- Leo venus, the sentiment
- Sorpio rising, the technique
- Libra mars, the why

I have to learn to trust people. I have to learn to trust that people aren’t here to hurt me when I’m alone. I’m not vulnerable when I’m alone, I’m at home.

Your zero is disrespecting me.
My zero is energy removal.

I’m always becoming new.
I’m always growing.

I want my eyes to relax when I see my love. Not make me nervous.

I can’t get inside.
I don’t know what else to do.

I love to live life on the edge
Doing mildly malintentioned things
With my magnificent membrane


Remembering the days when 
I didn’t associate you with feelings
of disappointment and shame.
I used to be so fond of you.

Never be sad
About being sad
It just makes thing worse
I’m never sad about being sad
I’m sad and then I’m not
I’m sad and that’s okay
I’m sad and that’s normal
I’m sad and then I’m not

Imagine what the world would be like
if everyone took joy in being alive

It just sucks because your behavior makes it feel like I’m not safe to be all parts of me in front of you and that makes me lose interest in you and that’s the part that sucks. You wouldn’t be the first one to think I’m too much and you won’t be the last I’m sure. That I’ve accepted. I just dreamt you’d be different and that sucks.

Even though I didn’t say it,
I wished you a happy birthday.
I imagined you having a good day.

My tone of voice is confident but I’m not always. I get insecure. I’m sensitive. But I don’t project that part of me onto other people. I keep that to myself, as best I can. Especially when I’m talking to the public.

I don’t hope for things.
I claim them as mine.
And then wait for their arrival.

Having kids keeps the cycle going.
Just when you forget how to kid...
You relive your childhood through your kids
and this time, you do it your way -
the way you wanted your childhood to be.

It’s why your body always wakes up on the final turn into the neighborhood

Celebrities are the best way to teach people about astrology
And transits are the perfect indicators

Signs become secondary
Planets become primary thought process

“oh you’re having a boy, you’re lucky. they’re so easy!”

At least girls got to be complicated.
Boys weren’t even allowed complexities.
They had to be “easy” like everyone said.

You can have wants and needs
And a lot of times feelings are both
Sometimes they’re only one
But they’re still important
Wants are important to have
And needs are important to receive
We need both wants and needs

Anytime you have to try to say something, you’re starting off on the wrong foot.

Using communication as a means to reach people with my brightness.

The universe gives me gifts to keep me on my path.

Many men think they can love me
But only after wanting to be loved by me

You don’t love me
You love how I make you feel

We’re not running away from the same things.
You’re running away from the patriarchy.
A systemic conditioning of the male mind.
And I’m running away from the old me, and becoming new me.

Alienation of affection, followed by divorce.

It’s weird that my closest friends think I’m dull.
But everyone else finds me interesting.
My close friends treat me so different from my other associations.
And so I love being around people who don’t know me that well.
And that’s kind of sad.

You’re afraid I won’t like how much time you spend alone.
I’m afraid you won’t like me when we’re not at home.