8. aphorisms

Just like a bird crashing into fresh cement
You were there when I was laid down
And raw
Your touch sunk to the bottom of me
Having left your mark
You flew off

You have to reach peace as an individual
Before you can make someone else feel safe
Especially a child
In particular children

If we just believed in what people said
We would be able to believe in what people say
People start to lie
After the truth has been doubted

The universe doesn’t mind a good threat, a lil “I will fucking do this if you fuck shit up for me” because she can respect that as a command, as a want.

You’re expressing passion for something and that means you know you deserve it.

Fantasize about your failure and you will fail.

We forget connections but they never really leave us.

Don’t think about your funeral as something
that happens when you die.
Your funeral is any time someone loses you.

Souls are lost, they’re never gone.
A funeral is a loss, not an ending.

You didn’t believe in us
I didn’t believe in you
I believed in us
You believed in me
But really
You believed in us
When I couldn’t
And I believed in us
When you couldn’t
I believed in you
When you couldn’t
And you believed in me
When I couldn’t believe in myself
We just never believed in each other
At the same time

Two ships starting wars in the night
And battling for peace by morning

If I had to describe myself in 3 words it would be:
And all-that’s-in-between


Life isn’t a matter of good and bad, or good vs bad,
but it is objective.
Things can only be classified as good or bad,
in relation to what you’re objective of life is.
Not the emotions that come from living.
It’s not a matter of what exists (good or bad)
It’s a matter of gettting to your purpose.

You waving me behind
Was you leaving a goodbye
You handing me a hello
Was me getting you back

I can’t agree with everyone
On everything
But I can understand anyone
On anything
That’s my super power
That’s one of my super powers

When I got you back
I wanted you
When you get away from me
You want me back

My love is not a party.
It’s a celebration.

Death is not something to be scared of.
It exists to make you grateful for being alive.

Humans are the only species aware of death. To animals, it’s just something that happens.

The awareness is not to paralyze us with a fear of dying. It’s to make you grateful for being alive.

There’s so much we can do in a lifetime. Death is nature putting pressure on us to actually do it.

Death is not a reason to not try, or to give up from the birthing.

Whatever happens, happens.
Whatever happens was supposed to happen.

We don’t have to be great.
We just have to be good.

Being good towards one another should be the bare minimum.

People only ever move us forward.
People only come into our life to help us grow.

We didn’t have a deep connection.
I gave you love and you gave me shit.