8. everyone around me is dead

I didn’t want to kill them
They wanted to die

That’s why they came to me

I’m the girl who kills

Mysterious and scary
Alluring but not lovable

But I love the deepest

As deep as the hole I dug for you


I’m always digging a grave
If it’s not for you, then it’s for me

I’m always digging them for me
But you come to me and you walk into it

I didn’t even have to trip you
Or trick you

Although, for some of you I did trip and trick
Just for giggles and my own sick satisfaction

Sometimes it’s my fault you end up in there
Sometimes you startle me

Sometimes your essence strolls in first
And sometimes your darkness does

You didn’t seem like the type to carry a weapon
Of course, most people don’t consider snakes a weapon

But to a scorpion venom takes like poison
The spell you cast on me with your tongue and hands

A shriek doesn’t kill
But it does distract

And you noticed neither

You think you left me untouched
You left my body grotesque

Like a cow branded on a farm in hell
Your fiery touch marked my thighs

I couldn’t remember what you did
And remember you

So I killed you

I didn’t even have to trick you
After what you did

Tail between your legs
You walked yourself to the grave