7.  some girl and some guy

🌸 some girl:
hey i like talking to u

🌹 some guy:
i like u too

🌸 some girl:
wanna hang out sometime?

🌹 some guy:
i’d like that too

🌸 some girl:
me too
i keep wondering what u like 

🌹 some guy:
i wanna show u all my favorite stuff

🌸 some girl: 
and if u could like me forever

🌹 some guy:

🌸 some girl:
or just for now
i wanna know what ur favorite everything is
i wanna know why u like me 
and how i could be ur favorite person
not just today
or tonight
but forever
are u still there?
did we lose the connection? 

🌹 some guy has left the chat.
*door slam sound effect*

Some guy had thrown his phone against the wall, grabbed his bed covers and thrown them over his body. Consumed by the darkness of his blankets, not a creature was stirring but inside his mind was a thunderstorm.

Lightning had striked twice.