6. psychic
A few months ago, I went to a local psychic. If I had more money, I’d go to more psychics. Not because I believe everything they say but because they give my mind something to react to. Recieving a reading, being told what someone else thinks of you is great practice for developing your own intuition. More can be learned from how what they say speaks to you, than what is spoken to you.
I’ll admit I was feeling desperate. I was in need of what my cousin, Matt calls a cosmic crumbling. I needed some bit of information to give me my next step. I had gone to get sushi at my regular spot when I saw the “ASTROLOGY” sign newly lit up across the parking lot. I took a photo of it and called the next week. It was a rainy day and the lady asked if I was available that afternoon. I told her, yes and drove through the winding roads lined with an abudance of greenery.
I’ll be honest, my senses were peaked from the moment I walked into the undone office building. There were neon signs laying on the ground. A bare plastic christmas tree in the corner and no decor on the walls. I sat on the white couch and waited for the psychic to come down. She brought me into a small room with just a table, lined with a spiritual altar and two chairs. I looked around and saw the cross drawn in red pen on the wall. I didn’t feel at ease but I believe the worst must be behind me now and so I let her read me.
The first thing she did was read my energy to obtain where my power lied. She told me it was in my third eye.
She drew some tarot cards. I got the devil card which did not surprise me. She said two people had left my life and only one will return. To which I said, it was more like a mass exodus. I couldn’t place the two because I had lost so many. She kept poking at a lover, at a love life and this told me more about her than me. This is when my body began to pull away,
- the day is friday the 13th at 2:02pm in california i am revisiting this piece and as i laugh at the dramatic cut off i will try to pick up the story with the same intent... so...