6. here and now

Why is asking someone if they ever even loved you
So different from asking someone if they love you?

Why is it easier to admit you loved someone
Than it is to admit you love someone here and now?

Is it that everything looks like love in hindsight?
Or because we don’t know what love really looks like?

Is it that having loved someone is simpler to explain?
Or because explaining that you’re in love is so nerve-racking?

Is it that loving and losing is admirable?
But loving without being loved in return is embarrassing?

Are we all just cowards?
Or is love just the scariest thing in the world?

Are we all just confused?
Or is love just the hardest thing to get right?

We spend so much time thinking about love -
What it is, how to do it, when is it enough.

But we rarely think about arriving at love.
At the same time as our lover.

The act of love is an intersection of souls.
That requires precision of timing.

You and I,
We never arrived at love.
At the same time.
For the same amount.

We never met at the intersection
Of love.

We drove by it many times.
But never together.
