4. someone’s at the door...

Someone at the door And I don’t know who it is
I’m scared
Could be someone good
Could be someone bad

But I know it’s bad
Because only bad things knock in the night
Only bad things knock unexpectedly
Coming from the light asking for my darkness

They’re coming from light
but they walk as a silhouette of darkness
They look like the darkest thing i’ve ever seen
And then I remember I am the light

I am my light
And if the lightness is me
Then it’s always with me
And if it’s always with me
Then it can’t be without me
It can’t be outside of me
It can’t be coming from the light
It’s the darkness coming from the darkest

It’s the devil at three in the morning
Coming to get me as I tell him
“But I like it here!
Can I please stay another few minutes!
I’m playing here!”

But it’s the devil knocking
And the devil isn’t red
It’s black as night
The darkest of the darks
Not a burning fire

Fire doesn’t burn us down
It lights us up
The devil brings us to the dirt
It’s the dark knight of the soul

But it never was real
Never like we dreamt of it