4. digging for depths part I

Your darkness indicates your depth, to me.

Have far have you dug in the psyche of your own mind?

What kind of tools did you need to use on the way down?

Have you sat and contemplated what it all means?

Have you tried to will a ladder to fall down and get you out?

Have you ever created monsters and handed them keys to their cages?

Have you envisioned a life much, much, more darker than this?

Or have you always sat on the grass and looked up at the sky?

You’re missing the point of the ground beneath you.

You’re not appreciating the network of roots that had to be grown to get you here.

You are years in the making.

Yet, you think we show up on earth and take from it as we please.

You cannot take from the earth without taking care for the earth.

Why do you think she made poisonous mushrooms to be picked?

You cannot eat harvests without washing soil from under your nail beds.

It’s just not possible.

And so I have to ask you what your depths are.

I have to know what you’re understanding of the world is.

Before I allow you to live within mine.

I have to know how far down you can go.

So that I can adjust my deep, dark depths.

To fit the level of intimacy you share with others.

With the life you live.