4. circle of life

You’re a kid
You’re a kid
You’re a kid

And then you’re not

But you don’t die
I mean you do die

But not like that

You died every time the cute girl didn’t ask for your number
You died every time the cute boy didn’t let you borrow his pen

You died every time you said “omfg I’m gonna die”

Except for those few times
You only said it for the appplause

You’re a kid
You’re a kid
You’re a kid

Then you have a kid

You’re a kid
then you have a kid

You only become an adult when you’re no longer a kid
And if you never have a kid then you’re always a kid

Kids don’t grow into being adults
Kids are kids and then kids are adults





Sucker punch!!

And then

you die

But only once you’re done

And that can be at any time

So you should probably think about that, like, all the time

At least that’s what I do

It doesn’t make it any better

In fact, it makes it much, much worse

But that doesn’t stop me from doing it!!!