2. the things you say

It was a tale as old as time, really. Nothing new. Nothing interesting. Just the same bullshit, different day. We’d heard the story before but from a different woman’s perspective. Same type of man though. You know the one, loud as a motorbike. But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight. They were so easy to spot coming. It’s not subtle the way their engines roar when they reach the top of the hill. But find them on the trail and they’ll give you a gentleman’s wave. Or a crash on the shore. Oh sure, every gentleman loves to be gentle when they meet someone on the path. But try to give them directions, they’ll hand you a pistol, known for shooting backwards in the head.

What I’m saying is, they’ll leave you for dead if you try to help them, support them or love them. They’re the dazzlers, we’re just the damsels. One little pistol has the power to start wars, don’t know you know that? You’re the one that got it inscribed on the gun. It was the last thing I saw before taking my first shot at hitting the bottle on the tree stump. The one you set up for me to practice on. The one you set up to help me aim at things, like you do. The very thing that killed me. 

Which is fine. I like the perspective better from this view anyway. It’s how I’d been seeing things my whole life. No one would listen to me when I told them the sights from such great heights. Now I see things without context and I paint my pretty little pictures and I adorn my home with my own art and I admire my work from the comfort of being me. You didn’t know you get houses in heaven? Where else would we live! The only difference is mine is built with pure imagination and yours is built with MATERIAL GOODS! Mine changes as it needs to, yours depends upon it’s structure.

That’s just how the divide works. I used to be up here and down there, now I’m just up here. Watching from above as I cast shadows onto you with my thoughts, I mean my clouds. My mighty brightness, so brilliant and shiny, burns like daggers thrown when provoked. Even the best of the best can’t withstand the lowest of the low. It slowly chips away at the soul. Your fingerprints leave impressions on me. When you curl your toes in the sand, it tickles me. 

I’ve consumed you now. You and the whole wide world!! The earth is me. The gardens are me. When the flowers blossom, so do I. When the sun is golden, I’m the yellow sparkle in the sky. When the birds fall in love, I am their warmth.

I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. All of this is so new to me, I only died a few moments ago.

The last thing I heard was “weight!!!”

As gravity was released and I began to float, no longer attached to the heaviness of being inside a body. Heaven reached in the weightlessness. At least I think that’s what I heard. It all happened so fast. I don’t remember which gun you told me to use. Was it the one on the right or the one on the left?

Who killed me?

Me or you?

You or her? 
