9. aphorisms

Which if true doesn’t negate my feelings. It just means he didn’t also share those feelings with me. I really need people to share their feelings about me, with me. It’s hard guessing. It’s exhausting guessing.

Different types of doubts at different times but doubts were constants. This feels really light. And possible. I don’t really doubt it at all I’m just wondering about it.

If energy can thrust you in, it can thrust you back out. As quickly as you slipped into this darkness, the deep darkness not the constant every day of life darkness.. that’s how quickly you can slip out. Your bounce back doesn’t have to be super long. As long as you acknowledge the energy around you led you to this and it’s not personal. It just had to happen. Not a big deal at all. You got this, girl.

Life is so fun when you feel like a participant is something much more divine.

I know it’s divine because all nature is divine just look at a mushroom. That is divine.

Nothing is personal, it’s energy exchanges. We keep trying to add up our energies into good or bad things / light or dark things / successful or failure / loved or not loved

The opposition of love is not hate. That’s one opposite of love. Another opposite of love is not love. We gotta keep that in mind.

Every time something happens I think to myself “and so the plot thickens……” and wonder what could be in the air around me. What energy surrounds me.

Every good alchemist knows..
If you’re doing energy right, you know you’re as much in control of it as the universe is. You are the universe of you. And this is your universe. Make it as you please. Disappointing results are always in your control.

Marshmallows taste
like a single speck of sugar
sat in front of a steamer
for hours on end
until it expanded
into soft pillowy and airy dough balls

Bad things happen
But life can always be good

Good vs bad is just a mind set
A set of minds
You get to pick either one
Or both
All the time
Which one did you choose?

Why do you think we’re here?
To enjoy, joy on earth.

joy on earth = enjoy!

What’s written in the stars is your trajectory, not how you get there.

I’m like a stone that keeps getting passed then dropped. Eventually a wild animal decides I’m a nice place to shit on.

I think the reason I’ve been able to stay single so long is because I can’t be tricked. If you didn’t REALLY like me, I knew. If I didn’t REALLY like you, I knew. And I’ve only met two men I’ve ever really liked. Okay, maybe four. But I only fell for two. The others were a stumble. Many never got close enough to trip me. I mean trick me. But I tripped many into liking me. It’s a shame I never really liked most of them. Maybe next life.

For a city built on signs, their roads sure do lack them.
-Los Angeles

I’ll teach you how to have fun in a sand box.

In New York everyone beats to the same metronome.
In LA people move with the flow of energy.

I like where I’m led naturally.


Most of you won’t take the time to read this and that’s okay. This app doesn’t promote extended stays when it comes to attention spans. It’s probably too deep for you anyway. I’ll force you to listen next time we’re in person.

There is light and dark to every entity but I think the majority of people start out as good people and the rest turns them upside down.

We make people villains with our minds. We turn people dark and then contemplate what made them change.

I’m too talented to be ignored and I’m too smart to be disrespected.

Kids teach us the meaning of life
Once we’ve forgotten it
As adults
When we’re adults
We learn to be kids again
Whether through kids
Or remembering to act like children

You left fingerprints on the glasses of my eyes
Smudged the way I saw the world
I spent years blinking
Trying to get rid of the streaks
You left me blurry
But now
I cleared out the pain
I can see again

Every day you have to relearn your favorite food because you live in the darkness of your own mind. Because that’s where things are beautiful.

You would learn something if you asked.

Who you are and what you look like are the same person to you.

I was trying to remember the good bits.
I’m always looking for the bits.
Some funny bits.
Some bits of knowledge.
Some are bits of both.

You believe in the absence of an intelligent creator?

Does the man choose who to stick it in
Or does she choose who gets entry

When all this stuff started and even now, mars was/is transiting your 2H in gemini. So I’m not surprised it sent your self-value / self-worth into a tizzy. Mars fucked up the signals. And the signals were sent to your Aquarius 10H because Saturn rules Aquarius. It sends its signals to its home zodiacal sign. It has the most electricity with Aquarius and Capricorn. Anyway, 10H is house of career and public face. And you have your natal Sun, Venus and Mars in that house. So like…. life path FUCKED, love life/beauty FUCKED, drive/passion RAMPED THE FUCK UP.

I somehow led us to talking about conspiracy theories and aliens. And I was like well let me just stop and ask you guys.. do you think the moon landing was real? Which.. we make fucking commercials. We fake reality for a LIVINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. And honestly the tvs were so shitty back then, it wouldn’t have taken much production to fake it. And anyway I just wanted to get them to acknowledge that it could be possible.

She taught me how to love who you are.
I taught her how to love yourself.
I didn’t know who I was but I knew I was awesome.
She knew she was awesome but didn’t know how to love that she was.
Girlies for life.

You really can’t blame yourself.
The energy was against you.
But it’s always for you.
There will be a purpose in all this I can PROMISE you that.