9. aphorisms

You made it seem like stars make mistakes
You made the cosmos feel idiotic for trying
You made the universe appear coincidental
You made god wonder why
and he’s the one who asked for you
You’re an insult to the perfection you so obsessively seek
You told the divine to piss off
You said magic only happens in dreams
You, my darling, are a god damn fool

people made it seem like i was cursed for wanting to be alive
people made me feel like not adding to my death was an act of violence
people made it seem like taking care of yourself was self-righteousness
people made me feel bad for doing my dishes

every time someone rejects you… just steal the parts of them you thought were cool and add them to your personality. once i found my crushes spotify playlists i no longer needed him to text me back. i’d absorb his coolness and become twice as hot as i was before i met him.

Are you sad at me?

mothers and daughters
are mothers and daughters

a mother is also a daughter to her daughter
a daughter is also a mother to her mother

mothers are daughters
and daughters are mothers

Love is reaching for a star knowing you’re in zero gravity.

The fear of intimacy in men is so heartbreaking to experience as a women to experience. We don’t talk about it enough. All the times we ask men to tell us who they are. To be open and safe around us. And they can’t do it. Men get by by telling lies. It’s just so sad.

the planets always arrive right on time and so do you.

I’m just so sad again. I thought I’d felt enough sadness to last me a lifetime of love. I thought I’d be ruined and destroyed, rebuilt and reborn. But I wasn’t I was feeling the same sad feelings I was years ago. It was that deep sadness that only comes when you feel a deep connection to someone who doesn’t want to connect with you.

your insecurities are areas you’ve identified as having room for improvement. that’s your brain reminding you to not be like that. but you reverse it and think it’s a reminder of what you are.

how does it feel to get smaller in size? to feel inadequate compared to those with final say

i want to know every single persons secrets. i need to know what people think needs to be hidden. i need to be fed darkness daily.

if you can’t communicate rejection
how can you ever communicate love

this has been the saddest, coolest, most inspiringly nonsensical and horrifically reflective time of my life. i have learned so much, felt so much hurt and experienced so much joy. this is living. life is awesome.

men think they’ve been watching
but they’ve been on watch

AI is a choice they could build all the technology in the world and it will still be a humans decision to choose an AI bot over a human being to complete a task. remember that when the government via public advertising and/or private persuasion asks if you want the latest piece of technology that will help your business make money more efficiently. who are you gonna give your money to? a piece of tech or a human? who’s existence are you investing in when you have to put your earned money somewhere.

sundays are for the plot. mondays are for feelings. tuesdays are for getting shit done.
wednesdays are for thinking about it.
thursdays are for good luck.
fridays are for giving me kisses.
saturdays are for knocking down walls.

everything exists
everything you can think of
can exist
everything you think about
does exist

so glad the passage of time exists 🌸

you guys know that real business people aren't on linkedin? you know that any intelligent person would respect the challenging of ideas and discourse? everyone who's smart, knows that exactly how they got smart.

i was getting the sense my imperfections were wearing on you
what was once cute was now childish

seeing the stars is a good enough reason

oh you’re making me not like me either

i think aquarius moons are just AQCUARTE (accurate) about our emotions and that makes people mad. sorry that i’m not confused about my feelings. i KNOW i am sad. AND happy. i’m not confused as to how i am both sad and happy, i just know that i am.

my intrusive thoughts are these gigantic concepts where i sweep the nation on a magical carpet handing out love to the people. i have to tell my mind to shut up because i’m just one girl who’s currently poor, sitting in the fetal position at 7 different dead end streets.

i feel like everyone is returning to who they were before the world shut down. we’re getting back to ourselves and back on our paths and i love to see it 🌹

when the 12 year old i babysit told me my concept for the internet was “good” and “cool” i knew i had a million dollar idea.

literally “the american dream” was just a fancy way for a bunch of british dudes to convince their buddies that america would be fun and profitable if they did it together.
it was motivating. inspiring even.
it had to be, if they were to sell their buddies on america🌸

just thinking about how on my morning walk i synced up with another human for a total of 12 minutes and still managed to fit in 17 of my working theories on how the ‘american dream’ is a marketing scheme that’s collapsing in on itself.

today feels like a great day to knock over some dominoes and see how far the trail of destruction can go

a bee has never been scared
to change the world     🐝
    🐝                       🐝
                  🐝                           🐝

my sad and boring stories always take the longest to explain. it’s terrible and i love it.

i’m so tired of people being mean to me. i’m not sure how much more kind i can be. i’m not sure how much more i can help others if i’m not offered a helping hand in return. i don’t know how to say this more politely i am in bed crying myself back to sleep at 630am.

men have been making shit up about women since we got here. we’ve been fed lies since “the virgin mary”
mary was a mother, you fucker.


if anyone understands what i am, i love you.

i don’t want to live forever and so in that sense i have to do a few things that are going to kill me

living like a landscape
chasing the views
tracing the sees
the portrait and the painter
the imagination and the dreamer
dressed in endless
a vision for ever
coloring me the scene

i thought you’d be different but i’m finding i’m wrong about a lot of things

i don’t plan on having a wedding
finding the one would be enough

The words were comprehensible by all, but only we spoke the language of its meaning.

men don’t realize how much silence speaks. the things you don’t say are just as telling as the ones you do.

that was my way of saying “you’re dead to me. until you get back from hell. cuz i’m up here. and ur going down there again. see ya.”

people act like they’re waiting to rob my grave

a diseased nation addicted to savings. that’s all we are.
they sold us on savings and we haven’t lived well since.

i didn’t know i was supposed to think about you
i didn’t know i was supposed to think about her
he probably didn’t even have my name saved in his phone
i just thought he was pretty to think about
we hadn’t even spoken in months
me unfollowing him is what rang ur bells

it’s simply not enough. everything we’ve done for women up until today is not enough. we are not equal. and even if we were women are still in a 250 year long deficit to men. you have to do more. what’s been done is not enough. i don’t know how to say this more politely.

i only know what you feel like to me

I think love is the whole wide universe. But love is doing the hard thing. Love is taking a risk.

The truth is that love isn’t everything. It’s all of it.

The sun is light
The moon is emotion
Mercury is mind
Venus is love
Mars is war
Jupiter is luck
Saturn is karma

In this sense life is made up of 7 parts. Love only being one of them.  

my dying wish is that my funeral is the talk of the town. i want everyone talking about me dying!!! i don't care what you say at that point because i'll be dead but you better have something to say about me once i'm gone!!!

I don’t know how to stop my mind from wondering about the things you’ll say to me because that’s what I want. But it’s so painful to dream up you coming back. what you’ll say, how you’ll do it and how I’ll let you in, what I’ll say to welcome you back. But then it doesn’t happen. I don’t want to be hopeless. I don’t want to be cynical. I don’t want to not believe in you. I want to believe that you’ll come back because that’s what I want. That’s what I want whether you do it or not. That’s what im wishing would happen. I wish you would come back. I wish you would find the words to say how you feel without making yourself feel too vulnerable. I wish you’d just say anything, I’d figure out the rest for us.

hooked at the lips
you sliced me off the string
right before

get bored
and get bold

If we don’t stay soft then we harden.
As we grow up, time passes.

It’s both sad and also just the cycle of life that we have to watch our parents grow old.

if i wasn’t so bored every day
i wouldn’t have done half the random shit i did

i was wrong with you
none of my tricks worked
i’m bad at internet feelings

the pain hits you in waves and the light hits you like a tornado

men got it wrong when they decided to do all their business on the phone or in person. they were worried about it being traced but they forgot the act of writing an idea down is crucial to its development. it’s the first step in flattening it into something tangible.

it changes things
it changes the way things look
and see
and talk
and how the words were spoken
and how the actions were taken
time changes things

What am I really suggesting with a kiss?

was it the way i talked
the way i liked small things
or how big i am

everything is just a metaphor
life unfolds in front of us
the universe is always showing us
how to live

what if i told you you could have everything you’ve ever wanted in life but you had to give up your ego to get it?

it’s funny to not get what you want
if things are only always looking up then there’s no plot line
there’s no character arc
you need at least an arc

not saying how you feel has just as many consequences
as saying how you do feel  

i was no longer hopefully optimistic but like a child

it’s hard for a poet to be in love
we get addicted to the pondering of love
us poets, that is
it’s what creates the art

people keep telling me i’m dreaming too big, that i have too high of expectations for myself and then i see things like this house and know that actually i’m not thinking grand enough.

aquariuses sit at the top of the wall, observing both sides and adding things up. they have perspective so they know duality has its purposes.

libras sit in between both sides and make peace with the duality. they feel having both of them is what makes balance.

geminis add things up through accumulation of information. they ping pong back and forth between both sides. creating in the chaos of constant duality.

the thing that outsiders don’t understand is when you’re a taylor swift fan, she becomes the only artist you need to listen to. she genre hops. she has completely monopolized my moods. anything i’m feeling she has a song for. happy, sad, party, destructive, jealous, rage, love.

why can’t i be everything?
why can’t i do everything?
who said i had to choose?

i will never understand the art of being elusive in this lifetime. i’m either shouting who i am to the world or i’m keeping things sacred. i don’t blur lines or let things bleed. it’s one or the other for me.

you say “calculated” like learning math is a bad thing. sorry i was paying attention to the building of equations.