7. likeability is inevitable

Likability is inevitable
Men flirt to fuck
They make us feel liked
But woman wake up
Feel the harsh smell of heartache
And ask - do I even like him?
Or do I just like that he likes me?

Likeability is inevitable
I almost never think about whether someone likes me or not
Not always because I don’t care
Usually it’s because I already know whether they do or don’t
And their opinion of me isn’t for me

Likability is inevitable
So even if they don’t like me at first
I know they will eventually
Disliked plots are just as inevitable
People stop liking me every day
That’s okay

Likeability is inevitable
I can’t control how other people feel about me
I can only control how I feel about me
I like me so I can like you too
You will like me
But only if you want to


Likability is inevitable