7. about how the world spins

A lot of people who get their upbringing on the science side of philosophy, think astrology isn’t real. Which has always seemed wild to me. Because the root of it is the solar system and the history of its understanding walk in lock step with science. Aristotle’s celestial spheres are astrology. They are the beginnings of a map of the solar system. Newton’s laws were congruent with the universe. He used the planets to develop his ideas.

The chaldean order, the basis of astrology and its intrepretations of the planets significations is the solar system, from the perspective of earth.

Astrology is human-centric astronomy.

It puts you and us, and the planets in the center of its theory.

It considers what life is like on earth. Not the sun.

It doesn’t center its theories around the tracking of planets moving around the sun.

It tracks the movement of planets around the earth.

It uses the zodiacs to track the time.

All astrology is - the witnessing of events that occur on earth and aligning them with movements of the planets.

Over many many many centuries, all people did was watch the planets and look at what happened on earth.

But over time.

As more humans were born.

And while the theories on planets were slowly being developed,

one human (we don’t know who exactly, it was a very long time ago)

had the idea to track the life of a human

it had just made out of its body...  

instead of the flowers and the trees and the waves.

The reason why we talk about the sun and the moon so much is because the sun is freakin huge!!

and extremely powerful!!

no other planet even comes close to its size.

and the moon,

well it’s obsessed with us.




She’s the only one just for us.

We love her so much

we treat her like a planet.



I just wanted everyone to know that astrology is about how the world spins.

(the world being earth. the universe is the solar system)

the universe is forever.

the earth is a creation.

Ok. Ttyl.