1. What Your Favorite Color Says About You


You’re the warmth of a thousand camp fires and the power of explosive chemicals that could take down a town. The embers that light the way and the specks of charcoal that float into the eyes of those who get too close. You are felt before you are seen. You electrify yourself into an existence that lights the way. Flames in action and placed in the center, watching the crowd form around you.


You are like the best color of a sunset. You sit in between all that is beautiful so that you may be of service to the colors that pop around you. You are the sweet wave of a helping hand and the little kid who needs it. Without even trying you bring out everyone’s warmest hue and have reasoning to stand beside those you love. 


You are brilliance put into words. With the radiance of sunshine you spread your light onto as many people as you can. You are the guide who directs those who walk down your path and the brickroad laid out infront of them. All you have to do is smile and those in need will flock to your bright grace and everlasting youth.


You are the icing on top of the cake, you decorate nature with your maleable figure and potential for growth. You are what blows in the wind and what protects the roots of every community. Your depths create the pathways for those who travel by. You are the signification that living things are alive here. You open eyes on earth as you prove the sky’s power to be true. 


The everlasting flow of water in motion you are at once the river, the ocean and the sea. Every thought travels through your waters. You are as far as the eye can see and deeper than any man or woman could ever truly know. You consume what can’t walk on you. A warning to those who can’t swim and a miracle to those who need one. 


You are the intelligence of human conciousness reflected back onto the collective that thinks of you. The possibility of complexity began at the first sight of you. You are the maternal creation and the feeling of natural nurture. You are like a lover’s massage at the end of a long day and the fighting words of late night quarrels. 


A symbol for what’s pretty and worthy of praise. You are abundance at the end of rose’s stem. The centerpiece in which queen’s choose for their wedding day. You are soft on the eyes and easy to love. You look like candy and taste like ice cream. You are a set of relaxed eyes behind the kind of heart. 


You are the known limits and the depths without boundaries. The embodiment of infinite potential that can’t conciously be seen nor identified. You are the void no one can touch and the bottom of everything. You are burnt to a crisp, charcoaled and never in existence. Mirrors shatter in fear when you walk by. 


You are the threat of hell and the ground we rest our heads on. The shades of every color contained in dust particles. You are the soil we wet before turning into the walls we live inside of. A mixture of all that is vibrant yet it’s combination leads to a dullness that makes for durability. You don’t shine, you protect the greatness of beings put together.


At once you contain the nothingness of life and absolution of death. You are the air between our fingers and the blinding power of looking directly into the sun. An insight we’re forced to reakon with. Every hue looks like you in the bright light of afternoon’s delight.


Ew, no.