6. mind matters, an essay on thought

Now, why is the mind so important, you ask? Because you use your mind for literally everything: relationships, social engagements, family time, business, business, business, hobbies, the gathering of food, love and shelter.

Every detail of your life has been hand selected based off the decisions you’ve made using your mind. Your very existence wouldn’t be possible without your mind. That’s what the egyptians, the greeks, the indians and all the other first settlers concluded back in the land before time. It’s written in every book you’ve ever read and taught to you in every classroom you’ve ever been in.

Don’t believe people when they say “you are not your thoughts” your thoughts are all you are. But you let them get rusty and moldy and gross and they became menaces in the mind. They need to be cleaned and taken care of, treated with love and kindness. They are the foundation of your reality.

How you see is how you build your perception.
How you feel is how you build your emotional capacity.

You have to turn the mess in your head into a beautiful mind.

Some stuff my mind believes in that helps it feel beautiful:

- we live on a planet that’s part of a solar system that has been proven by scientists, astronauts, physicists and the like, to be built on the movement of energy - who’s only consistent constant is forward motion
- everything that comes in, must go out. anytime you recieve you must give.
- life is a joy not a punishment, we’re here to have a good time
- lessons must be learned however they are sent to us
- giving people the tools to think for themselves is better than giving them the answer
- inspirational quotes are only helpful if you understand what they’re saying
- seeing, feeling and knowing are the first three senses
- you know yourself best, never me. never me. remember that. i am only offering suggestions, never answers.
- nothing is personal but everything is for you
- how you react can be more telling than what action you take
- tarot cards are fun!
- astrology is the planet’s way of talking to us
- writing is healing
- love is the only way
- kindness is currency
- your intuition never lies but somtimes your anxiety does
- i’m always going to be honest with you even if it hurts your feelings initially, i can work with anger i can’t work with denial
- our deepest darkest fears aren’t really that deep. or that dark. they just feel like that when we hide them.
- privacy is safety but sharing is community
- i’ll never tell anyone it’s your secret but sharing our tales is the only way we build a fire of warmth together. won’t you gather around?
- nothing that happens on earth can ever be deemed not ‘normal’ if you can think it or experience it, it must be a normal part of a human’s life
- the status quo was invented by people trying to sell you things. it’s bullshit
- i love you so much