5. on the importance of fantasy

I know that your imagination can get you in trouble. I know that you can create entire love stories and melodramas in your mind that will hurt so much more when they don’t come true than if you had never dreamt them in the first place.

I know that the horrors of our mind are as much our imagination as your crush putting a thousand red roses on the bed for you. I know that demons with daggers reside in our imagination. I know the bitter taste that comes from the sweet stories told in my mind.

I know it’s easier to close your eyes and not think at all. I know there’s a sick comfort to not knowing what will come next and an even greater comfort in not thinking about what you know you will. I know that dreams can hurt us. I know that seeing so clearly as you stare at your ceiling wall can also hurt us. I know that life almost never goes how you think it will.

But life deserves to be a fantasy. Life should be a fantasy. Life should be your wildest dream. Life should be your imagination brought to existence. Life should be everything you want. And it can only ever be all of those things if you dream it to be.

You simply cannot see outside the walls of a 9-5 unless you peak behind the curtain of what else could be. There is potential in fantasy. There is almost only ever potential in fantasy. When you imagine what your life could be, you’re no longer a bystander in the unfolding of your life but an orchestrater of it. You’re not the violinist playing the beautiful music you are the maestro commanding it to be heard. You are singing beyond the tune of the chorus and writing the hook while playing the first verse.

Imagination is the infiniteless. It’s the math equation with no answer. It’s the magician with trick mirrors. It’s the abyss and ithe oasis. It’s the difference between now and later and your brain designs the bridge that gets us there. When we stop imagining, we become frozen behind glass.

Never stop dreaming.