4. mary was a mother

What if Mary wasn’t a Virgin,
would that change your relationship with how life is created?

You probably said no.
That’s okay.

You probably don’t realize how woven into the fabric
of your thinking the old church stories are.

And it may be true, for you, young seedling, maybe they’re “not”
But they probably were well-woven into the fabric of
the people-who-taught-you-to-think’s
thinking -
your parents.
And if not them, then your grandmothers and grandfathers.

Because at one point in history, civilizations chose the church as its lead thinker.
In a big, self-destructing kind of way.
And there were other less devastating options but they couldn’t see the light.

And that choice started strong, admittedly, but over time,
we’ve seen the dissolution of the way the church works.

Basically, we found out (with strong evidence) that a bunch of these
so called “holy figures” “spreading God’s messages” “living God’s truth”
were really just a bunch of fucked up (pedophiles)
that were just as lost as the people they were claiming to be leading.

And whom, have no business preaching to us right from wrong.
And because what were once obvious church stories
we could conciously opt-out of if we wanted to,

are now super subtle subliminal messages
that have been passed on through generations -

Don’t underestimate how much control ‘church’ things still have over you.
After all, it was in a church the first time you heard about the Virgin Mary.

But forget about that Mary, for now.
Let’s go back to the original -

Who is she?
Where did she come from?
If she’s not a virgin why did everyone say that for so long?

I’ll derail us again but only because it’s important.
This time I need your help.
I want you to imagine you are one of the first humans on Earth.

You’ve just woken up on land and soil for the first time. Ever.
You’ve never seen anything so bare before.
And you yourself are bare. Naked.
There’s a few others, it wasn’t a solo mission.
But there’s not many.

You realize that with the body you’ve been given, you can walk.
So you walk.
And you walk.
And you keep walking.  

It doesn’t take many trees and animals to keep a few humans alive.
So there’s some nature. But not much.
You decide not to slow for a few trees.
So you keep walking.
You keep looking.  
You’re in search for something of meaning. Desparately.
But you find nothing.

You joke, ‘at the very least you could give us an edge to jump off of and die.’
But there’s fucking nothing here. Not even an edge.  
The huge light in the center starts to lower.
Darkness takes over. And now you see a lesser-light.

Later, you’ll find the words to call these the Sun and the Moon, day and night.
But right now you’re just thinking “what the actual fuck is happening”
All you’ve got is the sky and the ground to look at.
So you become obsessed with doing that.

Looking at the sky. Then looking at the ground.
One day we’ll call these observations science but for now it’s just keeping you busy.

It’s the only available pass-time you have.
It’s the equivalent to watching tv today.

Only the stars are the characters and the sky, the big screen.
Some clusters of stars seem cool and edgy like Don Draper.
Others are more gentle and optimistic like Zooey Deschanel in literally anything.

Day in. Day out.
It’s just you, the sky, the earth and some other naked people.

(”Could someone make some fucking clothes??
Randy’s ass is a DISTRACTION,” one human thought)

There’s not much to talk about with the other people
because you can’t remember what your previous life was like
so you start to befriend the sky and use her to create conversation.

You learn to tell stories using the images in the sky.
And eventually, you and your friends on Earth
start to notice some patterns between
your friends in the sky and what’s happening on Earth.

Which is to say, you start to notice the skys influence on the ground.
As the days go by, things are starting to change on Earth.

Every time you cry, the sky cries.
And the ground isn’t just soil anymore.
It’s got flowers growing from it now.
Pretty flowers, if I do say so myself.

You think “if there’s nothing but the sky, the ground and the humans,
and the humans have no idea how to make flowers,
then it must be the sky making the flowers.

And the Sun is clearly in charge of the sky.
So he’s gotta be responsible.”

You write this down using sticks and sand.
And think, “huh, it feels kind of good to write down observations between Sun and Earth.
Kind of feels like I have a higher purpose larger than just existing. Sweet!”

You tell everyone else about this feeling.
The, like, 6 other people you woke up on Earth with.

You create a song for the sky, your human way of saying
“Thanks for sprucing up the place, Sun!!
Now we have something beautiful to look at. ❤️ ”
(disclaimer: emojis werern’t around then but maybe
heart hand signals were, you never know)

Skipping ahead.
You live this way for many years.
Tracking the movements of the sky with what’s happening on Earth.
Again... literally not much else to do.

Eventually you get a good sense of what in the sky, causes what on Earth.
But you have no idea how to explain the pure magic
that happens betweens the sky and the Earth
to someone who hasn’t witnessed it first hand.

Because you saw the ground before there were flowers,
And you know the sky caused the flowers.
But how do you convince people who have only ever known
flowers to be on Earth that the sky caused them to appear?

So you go back to those silly campfire stories you used to tell eachother about the sky.
And you refine them.
Because they’re not just for entertainment anymore, they’re for education.

The passing of knowledge.
That must stand the test of time.
You create images out of the constellations.

You give them each a simple form that can carry its complex meaning without language.
A name for people to call it.
And a purpose that can be continuously developed as Earth evolves.

Basically, you make a never ending tv show out of the sky.
(kind of like Friends but with 12 people)
You cast the stars.
You create characters out of the cast.
You assign them different roles to play, as the plot evolves.
And you make sure they’ve got enough good and bad qualities
to keep people entertained by their character development for ions to come.

Enter Virgin Mary.
The holy grail of queenship.
All that is woman and mother.
She is one part of the original cast of the sky.

A character.  
Based off the constellation, Virgo in the sky.

Based off what happened on Earth when the CEO (the Sun) spent 30 days
passing through the Virgo constellation in the sky each year.

She is the Earthly bounty that the Sun gives us in September.
You know, flowers are pretty to look at in May.
But plants keep us alive.

Mary’s first baby was food.

The Sun, our Father (CEO), ‘impregnated’ the Earth with its heat,
And the Earth, our Mother, was given a harvest to nourish her humans with.
Through the divine miracle of creation,
Mother Earth can keep her people alive and growing.

Now, how the FUCK do you explain to people
who never saw the ground as bare as the first humans did,
that the soil they now see as rich with life was once just soil?

And they have no idea how the Sun did it,
but know that he is responsible for it?

How do you tell the humans that the carrots and potatoes they eat,
were created and given to them by the Cosmos?

By the relationship between Sun and Earth -
We are fed.
We are nourished.
We are living.
We are growing.

Mary wasn’t a virgin, she wasn’t even a person.
She is a character of the sky.

She contains the story about Earth becoming a Mother.
She took Earth from a place where humans existed,
to a place where humans could be created and grown.

How much more beautifully can we look at life than when we speak of it as this beginning?

As the Sun beamed its bright lights on to Earth,
it made love to Earth,
so that humans could make love to other humans.

The Sun gives, the Earth receives.
The Earth gives, humans receive.

One human gives, one human recieves.

Until a new creation is formed. A new growth is felt.

Giving and receiving in a harmonious union,
creates growth.
That is pure love.
The story of creation.
The cycle of life.  

Why else would a baby take 9 months to be born
if September wasn’t the 9th month of the calendar year?
- A virgo