4. suck the blood

I have seen the strongest women of my generation
Be destroyed by spineless men

Without a backbone one has no true form
Like play-dough they mold themselves into you
With nothing to show for themselves,
They make themselves out of you

Like leeches looking for warm flesh they grasp onto us
They look upon us as statues of grandiose
And we look down at their dainty bodies in adoration
Thinking how beautiful it is that they’ve chosen us to latch onto

But where ones power lies in integrity
The other lies in disguise
They know the truth they conceal from us
They’re really just here to suck our blood

And we let them for awhile
For awhile it feels nice to give to someone in need
It’s nice to be needed
It’s nice to be giving
Until one day we wake up
Frail and pale, weakened to nothingness
The same nothingness we used to see in them
Is now the makings of I

We’ve been drained and dried
The framing of our bones protrudes from our skin now
We used to be so full
We used to be so free

Now all of our blood is within a leeches body
Their lives are little
But they contain the greatest heists