3. now i see you

Ever since that day,
I don’t see you anymore.

The only time I see you,
Is when I‘m looking at the world.

Now I see you,
But only in other people, places and things.

I see you with black shoulder length hair,
it hasn’t been washed in a week,
but that’s what gives it it’s shine.

I see you walking your medium size dog,
that reminds you of the dogs back home,
using a leash still doesn’t make sense to you.

I see you taking a walk to clear your head,
asking the concrete why life can’t be simpler
and feelings can’t be bottled up.

I see you as a young child reaching for your mother’s hand,
I deny your grasp in an attempt,
to make your sweet soul stronger.

I see you flying a kite with your daughter,
you stare at the sky for too long and almost lose her,
she’s got the same wonderous spirit as you.

I see you laying on your bed alone,
staring up at the cieling,
wondering why it all turned out the way it did.

I see you at a cafe eating alone,
taking comfort in your own company,
trying to forget all the ways you hate yourself.

I see you in love and filled with love,
brimming to the rim with childlike joy,
before you remember feelings are fleeting.

I see you all the time,
your presence, your essence, always present,
but never here with me.

Not ever since that day,
I don’t have you here with me.