3. wrong to be right

I always have an answer for what to do.
I can see the next step very clearly.
But sometimes the next step isn’t the answer.
It’s a step to finding out what the answer could be.
Which can either illuminate or eliminate.

Do you create space for what the answer could be,
Or do you close the door on what the answer is not?

Taking a step in the right direction keeps us moving forward,
But taking a step in the wrong direction can open up a shortcut.

Sometimes you need to hit walls, to see the door.
Sometimes you need to be rejected, to see your beauty.
Sometimes you have to do what’s wrong to know what’s right,
Because every wrong step you take is one less path to walk down.

Remember, right and wrong - light and dark - both exist for you.
The dark eliminates.
The light illuminates.

So don’t always ask for the answer to be shown,
Ask for the wrong answers to leave the scene.

I’m not afraid to knock on the wrong door.
I’m not afraid to ask the darkness for an answer.
Beacuse I know that in order to see the light,
I must feel where the darkness lies.

There is a clarity that comes from knowing the dark.