2. intersections aren’t just for lights
Intersections are not just
For red and green lights
Intersections are not just
For lights
Intersections are for lights
And for darks
Intersections are for
Lights and darks
An intersection is for
a light and a dark to meet
Light and dark
Meet at an intersection
It’s always a light and a dark
Meeting at intersections
There’s always a light
And a dark
At an intersection
One light
One dark
One light
One dark
Is an intersection
Intersections are made up of
One light
And one dark
Intersections are made up
Of lights and darks
Lights and darks make up
One light
One dark
An intersection
Light and dark
Intersecting one another
And what happens
At an intersection?
People come
People go
People speed through
People sit idle
People crash into one another
And some people barely make it out alive
And some people die
While someone else either
Speeds through
Sits idle
Crashes into another
Barely makes it out alive
Or dies
Are you the light
Or are you the dark
Or are you light and dark
Intersecting with another
Made up of both light and dark
Are we all made up of light and dark
Is everything light and dark
Is everything an intersection
Your soul with the stars
And our souls with other souls
And back again
Both coming and going,
Both speeding through and sitting idly,
Both crashing into another
Both barely making it out alive
Or dying