1. wild creek

I’d like to start by saying, hello and welcome back. It’s been a very long and peculiar year. I was having dinner with my dad the other night, trying to explain to him how whether any of us like it or not, his daughter has an antenna to the planets she cannot control. 

I don’t know where I was going with that but...

This is Peñasquitos Creek Park in the Camina Del Sur area of San Diego, California. I had the pleasure of running its trail while I stayed many weeks with my sister and her boyfriend, Greg. The trails run right into a beautiful waterfall. 

It was the perfect distance, it took about 4 songs to get there. When I did, I’d stop, take off my shoes and socks, stick my feet in the water and wade for a few minutes. Then I’d pull my feet out to dry in the sun, put on my socks, tie my shoes and head out running back to my car. 

This went on as normal for about a week. Then one day, as I sat down on the rocks to take off my shoes, I looked up and saw a lobster in the water. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking... how the fuck did a lobster get to the creek? I thought the same thing. When I told my sister and Greg about it they didn’t have many answers either. Greg said someone must have picked up fresh lobsters for dinner and let one go. I didn’t know about that. But I also didn’t know what else and I guess it really didn’t matter. I went back the next day and he was there, AGAIN! In the water by the rocks. 

But when I went back a few days later he was gone. Now I think the average person finds this unnoteworthy but I am a child of Disney and I know exactly who that red lobster is symbolizing. Sebastian!

A watchful crustacea my father, the sea king - King Triton sent to keep an eye on me so that my wandering mind doesn’t get me into any more trouble. A valiant effort, dad.

This how I’ve grown to interpret the world around me when every second feels like there’s a synchronicity embedded into it. Because I’m not sure I would’ve made the connection if it hadn’t been for my cousin, Katelyn whom I hadn’t watched for a few days over the summer. Whom insists on only watching fairytales. We watched The Little Mermaid and Snow White each, twice in 72 hours. She loves a good Disney movie.

I’ll admit, that wasn’t the only magical incident at the creek I experienced. The lobster sightings took place on October 7 and October 8th. The next peculiarity happened on November 7. 

As usual, I embarked on a run to the waterfall and a walk down to the rocks to put my feet in the water. This time, when I turned the corner, there it was - two oranges. Just sitting there. 

I’ve been in receiving mode and so I did not hesitate a single moment. I took off my shoes, sunk my toes into the flowing water and grabbed an orange. I don’t know why I did this, I have never before but the raw vitamin C was right in front of me. So, I took the first orange and I rubbed it’s insides all over me. My legs, my arms, my face, I let myself bask in the fresh mask. Then I took the second orange and I very slowly peeled and ate it as I hydro-absorbed the sunlight. 

It was a truly magical feeling. A simple, sweet surprise. Two for one <3 I was so relaxed after this, I decided to not run but walk the way back and I’m glad I did. I frequented the trail about 4 days a week for two months and only twice saw a snake. This was the second time. A biker was pulled over taking a picture. He said it’s a King Snake. They kill rattle snakes. Another good omen, I thought. He said he was glad he saw it, he was sending the picture to his buddies so I decided to photograph it for my archives, as well.

When I got to my car, I noticed this orange rind outside of it. Whoever left the first two must have finished theirs in the parking lot.

While the oranges don’t have a linear delineation to some higher power I believe their significance is much simpler: nourishment from the gods. I know the two did not fall from Pluto, they were placed there by human intentions but the receival felt holy.

Well, that’s all for now but if you liked this story I do encourage you try out eve & the apple for more synchronic symbolism.

And.... as promised, some textural pics of the trail to close out this sayings.

One tip before I go:

All around the world rocks are free so when you’re looking to properly irrigate your plant species, go to your favorite outdoors and pull from there. It’s an easy way to make the gifting be meaning. This is me picking up a shit ton before repotting a bunch of my sister’s plants. She didn’t know you had to put rocks at the bottom of the planters. 

Some artwork from Katelyn’s stay: